Wednesday, November 21, 2007


talofa lava to all of you out there. I am very happy and love to make friends with people. If you belong to this this college you are welcome to post anythig up here I love to hear from come join me. thank you.......ex student of this college.


arieta said...

malo tamaiti le ma lotofaga...this could be Faalaa Auelua..o le nei kolisi o se aoga e pele i lo'u nei agaga oute mitamita ai foi pe ou alu i soo se itu o le lalolagi...faamalo le faamalosi ma le onosai i galuega.

Faamao said...

malo lava le galulue ma le onosa'i i feau ma galuega o le aso.

tai said...

shot lepa and lotofaga keep it up...........



Unknown said...

Talofa lava i si o'u sister le pule o le kolisi:):):)
ou te iloaina lava o le a e mateiaina a'u i le igoa o lo'u 'other half' lea ou te lafi atu ai...hahaha
feiloai i se aso o lenei masina pe a aulia i le alofa o le Atua...GOD bless everyone:)

Unknown said...

OH my that's mum's name not hubby's name hahaha

virginia paulo said...

talofa o lo'u igoa o tina manuele.o lo'u aiga o falute ma faateia punefu(auelua samuelu and all that).please i want to get hold of them.if you find any informations please send me updates at my email i can't wait to hear from you guys.thanks and god bless

Unknown said...

Hi im Saga Jacob. Im an ex students of James Cook High School.

James Cook High School and Lepa & Lotofaga College have a friendship starting from the year 2009. Lepa and Lotofaga College was hosting us in 2009 and JCHS in 2011.

Love this school so much and miss you guys so much. My one and only lover is a teacher in this school.